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Enhancing Work Management Systems at Covenant College
Bridge Innovate’s implementation of Asana transformed Covenant College’s Admissions Department by streamlining project management, enhancing collaboration, and setting the foundation for future operational success.
Drive Disruptive Innovation
Building upon its success as a leading digital marketing solutions company for the real estate industry, RentPath® was looking to create new disruptive consumer services in alignment with its mission of simplifying the rental experience.
Mobilizing Innovation
In the midst of unpredictable, competitive markets and complex political environments, Premier, Inc., one of America's largest healthcare alliances, began asking questions about how to innovate their business intelligence, service delivery, and supply chain.
Mobilizing Change
After unsuccessful attempts to reform an overly complex and dated general education approach, UTC turned to design thinking as a creative pathway to mobilize change.
International Organizations Network
Solving complex problems by building your team's creative muscles.