Going From Ideas to Innovation in Action


Client Story: Premier

Mobilizing Innovation


In the midst of unpredictable, competitive markets and complex political environments, Premier, Inc., one of America's largest healthcare alliances, began asking questions about how to innovate their business intelligence, service delivery, and supply chain. How does a company go about creating an internal entrepreneurial capability that would consistently generate innovation within key strategic areas? The Bridge Innovate® team was tasked with the challenge of helping this client move from ideas to innovation in action.


Since 2008, Bridge Innovate has designed and delivered a High-Potential Leadership Development Program for a select group of future company leaders at Premier. Faced with a new innovation challenge this year, Bridge teamed with the client to develop an internal entrepreneurial capability and utilize the high-potential program as a vehicle to mobilize internal innovation. Using the core principles of design thinking as a framework, the program incorporated phases of design, refinement and testing, building and deployment.


Throughout the process, high-potential leaders within Premier developed leadership capacity and depth to drive enhanced performance, as well as increase business innovation, impact and overall profitability. As a result of this program, Premier successfully developed an additional vehicle for generating and mobilizing internal innovation. From ideation to launch, the vehicle provides a platform for brainstorming bold ideas, figuring out which ideas are worthy of investment, and mobilizing those ideas into viable, revenue-generating business plans.