Why The Next Generation Learning & Development Needs To Start Now


A study from Bersin by Deloitte notes 1% of the typical workweek is all that employees have to focus on training and development.

There is a growing focus on the learner-centric approach. We can no longer only develop content and run training programs.

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Companies that build a learning culture by practicing a growth mindset create designed growth and stretch assignments, and openly discuss mistakes to improve learning see 3x more profitability and 4x the retention. Placing emphasis on experiences and stretch assignments early in the new hire period provides employees with an impact on the organization and challenge early on in their career.

Recently, we sat down with Kim Bolton, program director, leadership development for Unum to discuss how Bridge teamed with Unum to design a solution to reinvent Unum Learning 2.0.

Our job in learning and development is not about training but sustained behavior change and improved performance. Over time, capability is built by a combination of formal training, practice and experimentation, and learning with and through others. With shortages of talent, technology acceleration, and a need for agility, companies must be able to move members of their existing workforce into different jobs, which requires quick upskill training.
Watch the recorded webinar below to hear Kim discuss how Unum approached this issue from a different perspective that aligned with their customer journey, improved performance, and reduced operating costs.

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Bryony Melhuish