
Collin Young

Finance Manager


Collin Young serves as a finance manager Bridge Innovate® and serves as a consultant providing design thinking coaching, facilitation services, and project management.

Merging a variety of design methodologies including IDEO’s design thinking methodology, Google Venture’s Sprint process, and the Sprintbase™ virtual team design thinking platform, Collin crafts complex facilitated sessions and maps team processes for clients to solidify project deliverables. In his tenure at Bridge Innovate, he has designed and facilitated multiple accelerated design sprints for large manufacturing companies, facilitated strategic planning for regional nonprofits, and led Innovation Culture mobilization projects for multiple regional organizations. Collin has been engaged in two extensive Performance Management redesigns focused on enabling employees to achieve highest levels of performance and a significant endeavor to redesign general education utilizing design thinking and change management tools for a mid-sized state university. Currently, he leads the design sprint effort for the United Way of Greater Chattanooga’s Hub for Social Innovation.

Collin is experienced in a range of design thinking tools including Sprintbase™, customer journey maps, analytic and empathy-focused research, collaboration roundtables and insight sessions, iterative test sprints, and Bridge Innovate’s Field Guide. He coordinates Bridge’s creative network including design thinking coaches, graphic recorders, photographers, videographers, and the certified ExperienceInnovation facilitator team.

Collin has completed training with the Project Management Institute and is in the process of finalizing his Project Management Professional™ (PMP) certification. He is a certified facilitator of ExperienceInnovation and team facilitator for ExperienceChange. He received a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a dual concentration in management and marketing from Berry College.