What Will Your Leadership Legacy Be?


What Will Your Leadership Legacy Be? It Depends on What Type of Power You Deploy

As leaders and innovators, we are passionate about our visions and that drives us to "go for it" – "to just do it." We assume that the journey towards, and the ultimate achievement of our vision is value enough – both for us and for those who follow us. Yet, the legacy of our efforts has everything to do with HOW we go about achieving our vision.

In this webinar, we discussed what we know from empirical research about the two general ways leaders manifest power, the nature of the intentionality behind each type of power, and how this knowledge can help you consciously shape the kind of legacy that you want to leave with your workers, family, and friends.

This session was led by Dr. Mark Mendenhall, J. Burton Frierson Chair of Excellence in Business Leadership, University of Tennessee Chattanooga.

Bridge Innovate offers a wide selection of leadership development tools for you and your organization’s team. Contact us or schedule a 1:1 to learn more.

Cobi Boykin