Decisive with Jenny Whitener


Decisive with Jenny Whitener

June 15nd, 2024

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In this episode of Leaders in the Arena, hear from Jenny Whitener (CEO of Bridge Innovate®) as we discuss Decisive by Chip & Dan Heath.

Decisive answers the following question: "How can we do better?"

Chip and Dan Heath, the bestselling authors of Switch and Made to Stick, are back with their next book — an investigation into our biases, irrationalities, and overall decision-making. Based on their study of decision-making literature, Decisive provides a four-step solution for addressing our biases.

In addition to a thoroughly-engaging story, Decisive asks the reader to ponder critical questions: "How can we stop the cycle of agonizing over our decisions? How can we make group decisions without destructive politics? And how can we ensure that we don’t overlook precious opportunities to change our course?" (Amazon)


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