Solving Complex Problems by Building Your Team's Creative Muscles

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Client Story: Clean Water Partnership


How do you get a diverse group of 130 stakeholders from different organizations and industries to collaborate around a common cause, and brainstorm a bold vision for the just one day? This was the complex task at hand for the Bridge Innovate® team when we were asked to design and facilitate an annual watershed conference for a regional Clean Water Partnership.


Working closely with the client, Bridge delivered a customized, highly interactive SWARM® – Accelerated Design Workshop to enhance the cohesion of the partnership and define opportunities for collaboration aligned with the client's overall strategy.


With a common goal of long-term water quality improvement and conservation as a given, the session provided a platform and creative process for a large group of diverse stakeholders to ideate and collaborate in a way they never had before. In addition to improving team effectiveness, participants had the opportunity to learn easily transferable brainstorming techniques to increase productivity and generate breakthrough ideas – within any division of the organization. Equipped with five bold initiatives to jumpstart their future vision, the client confirmed that Bridge Innovate's creative process led to action plans that the partners chose to take forward the following year.

Bryony Melhuish